
Cape Town Cycle Tour: Seeding and start times

The forty fifth Cape Town Cycle Tour, the world’s largest timed bike race, will happen on Sunday, 12 March 2023.


In addition to the ‘standard’ 109km race, there may also be a 42km route this yr.

To accommodate the 1000’s of cyclists who will participate, a number of roads can be closed on race day.

For a full listing, click on HERE


Prefix Description Start Time
* U17 boys (Start: Fish Hoek) 06:00
% Women’s Elite (Start: Fish Hoek) 06:05
$ Men’s Elite, Junior and 30-39 06:15
@ Racing Age Group 40 – 49 + Seeded 06:20
& Racing Age Group 50+ and Seeded 06:24
# Racing Tandem 06:27
1A Seeded 06:30
1B Seeded 06:33
1C Seeded 06:36
1D Seeded 06:39
1E Seeded 06:42
1F Seeded 06:45
1G Seeded 06:48
1H Seeded 06:51
2A Seeded 06:54
2B Seeded 06:57
2C Seeded 07:00
2D Seeded 07:03
2E Seeded 07:06
2F Seeded 07:09
2G Seeded 07:12
2H Seeded 07:15
3A Seeded 07:18
3B Seeded 07:21
3C Seeded 07:24
Dh Hand Cycles 07:27
Du Unicycles 07:27
Ds Buggies 07:27
3E Seeded 07:36
3F Seeded 07:39
3G Seeded 07:42
3H Seeded 07:45
4A Age 75+ and Seeded 07:48
4B 24+ and Seeded 07:51
4C Age 70+ and Seeded 07:54
4D 21-23 and Seeded 07:57
4E 18-20 and Seeded 08:00
4F Overseas 08:03
4G Overseas 08:06
4H International + 16-17 08:09
5A Safe biking 08:12
5B 13-15 and Seeded 08:15
5C 10-12 and Seeded 08:18
5D 9 and Seeded 08:21
5E 8 and Seeded 08:24
5F 7 and Seeded 08:27
5G Corporate and Charity 08:30
5H 6 and Seeded 08:33
6A PPA 08:36
6B PPA 08:39
6C PPA/Open 08:42
6D Open 08:45
6E Open 08:48
6F Open 08:51
6G Open 08:54
6H Open 08:57
42km Cape Town Cycle Tour
$ U15 Boys 09:45
% U17 Girls 09:45
BS Buggies 09:47
9A Seeded 10:00
9B Seeded 10:03
9C Open 10:06
9D Open 10:09
9E Open 10:12
9F Open 10:15

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