
Dame Surprised to Discover Giannis Practices On Non-Regulation Hoop

Damian Lillard made an sudden discovery on the Milwaukee Bucks facility on media day. While taking pictures round, he seen one of many rims was noticeably angled upwards.

“This rim kinda pointed up, huh?” he says whereas taking pictures.

“That’s Giannis’ rim,” responds a close-by Khris Middleton.

When Dame replies with one thing that isn’t picked up by the digicam’s microphone, Middleton replies with, “I don’t know, that’s just his rim”.


“This rim definitely is like pointed up,” Lillard continues. “They probably did that ’cause they know he’ll dunk on it.”

There hasn’t been any affirmation as to why the Bucks have achieved this, or why Giannis likes to use this rim.

The video has fuelled hypothesis that this may very well be lacking with the previous MVP’s shot. His free-throw taking pictures is famously unreliable, with only a 64.5 % strike charge from the road final season.

However, it’s doable that it is a method to encourage the previous MVP to enhance the arc on his shot.

No one appears to know for positive, even Middleton.

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