
Ex-NBA Players Discuss Possibility of Caitlin Clark in Big3 League

Owner of the Big3 league, Ice Cube, has provided girls’s school basketball famous person Caitlin Clark $5 million to affix the league, however former NBA gamers have thrown chilly water on the concept.

Former NBA participant Kenyon Martin claimed on Wednesday that Clark wouldn’t be capable to rating a single level in the 3-on-3 league.

“It’s a step under prison ball,” Martin mentioned on Gilbert Arenas’ Gil’s Arena Show. “Could you imagine her getting stuck down on Reggie Evans?”

Arenas additionally mentioned the likelihood and believes that Clark’s 6 foot, 155 pound body simply wouldn’t reduce it in a league full of very tall former NBA guys.

“She gonna take the ball out?” Gilbert contemplated. “As soon as she tries to cross that line – boom! Yo’ little ass.”

Ice Cube confirmed the supply himself on X after responding to a narrative from TMZ, “We intended the offer to remain private while Caitlin Clark plays for the championship. But I won’t deny what’s now already out there: BIG3 made a historic offer to Caitlin Clark. Why wouldn’t we?” he wrote. “Caitlin is a generational athlete who can achieve tremendous success in the BIG3.”

The legendary rapper says he’s nonetheless ready on a response from Clark about his profitable supply.

The 3-on-3 group cofounder joined the Pat McAfee Show on Wednesday to debate the proposal and though he’s heard nothing again from Clark’s, he’s nonetheless going to carry out hope.

“We just need an answer, as soon as they are ready to give it to us,” he mentioned.

He added, It’s at all times 50-50 until we get a no. At the tip of the day, it’s a beneficiant supply. “They have it and if they wanna sign it, we’ll be happy to have her play in the Big3,” Cube mentioned.

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