
Ferrari is the dream of everyone, says Charles Leclerc’s new race engineer as he reflects on his new role

By Balazs Szabo on

Having taken on the role of race engineer for Charles Leclerc, Bryan Bozzi reflects on his new place and his shut relationship with the six-time F1 race winner.

Ferrari introduced a key change to Charles Leclerc’ engineering workforce, confirming the departure of his earlier race engineer Xavier Marcos. The Spaniard’s place was taken on by Bryan Bozzi, who labored as his efficiency engineer beforehand.

Expanding on his background and dtudies, Bozzi added: “I’m Italo-Danish by start and I studied at the St George’s British International School in Rome, earlier than learning Mechanical Engineering at Bath University. At the time I took half in a Formula Student programme aimed toward giving varied teams of college students the alternative to design and construct a racing automobile.

“Then, universities from round the world raced towards one another like actual racing groups and it was whereas doing this that I realised I actually appreciated racing and I attempted to get a job as an intern at Ferrari, the workforce everybody needs to work for in some unspecified time in the future or different. From then on, issues went effectively and I’ve been half of Scuderia Ferrari HP for a number of years now.

“Representing this firm and Italy at the highest degree of motorsport is one thing I’m very proud of, particularly as I’ve been given the alternative to work alongside a driver of the calibre of Charles.

Bozzi has been the efficiency engineer of Charles Leclerc lately. However, with Ferrari making varied tweaks to the construction of the workforce, Leclerc’s earlier race engineer Xavier Marcos left Ferrari’s F1 operation to maneuver to a different place inside the Italian marque.

Speaking of his new role at the Scuderia, Bozzi stated: “The Race Engineer is liable for operating the automobile he is given over the race weekend. That consists of execution of the run plan for every free apply session and for tremendous tuning the automobile set-up.

“It’s the Race Engineer who speaks to the driver over the radio to go on all data wanted throughout the classes. The Performance Engineer is liable for optimising the varied controls on the automobile, such as the stability on the brakes and the differential. By definition the role entails spending loads of time analysing automobile stability and dealing to make sure the automobile behaves as anticipated from the simulations.

“The Driver Coach is centered on enhancing the driver’s precise efficiency. They analyse video and telemetry from all the vehicles in the area and recommend what strains the driver ought to take and every other concepts that may make them faster.

“These guys, together with different engineers at the monitor and again in Maranello, attempt to optimise the automobile to extract the previous couple of thousandths of a second of lap time which is typically sufficient to make the distinction in Formula 1 as it is now.

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