
LeBron James Reveals What Bothers Him About Younger NBA Players

In his twenty first NBA season, LeBron James has a gripe with the youthful technology of gamers coming by means of.

LeBron aired his frustrations concerning the youthful technology’s obsession with attempting to show mismatches into one-on-one play through the newest episode of his podcast, Mind the Game, with JJ Redick.

Reddick posed the query, “So if I go switch on you, you’ve now got it a favorable matchup “Part of it is not just so that you can get a shot, part of it like… basketball boils down to: Can you put two on the ball?”

To which LeBron answered, “And now you create the four-on-three on the bottom. I don’t assume many individuals know that. You know why? Because everybody now has a story of this factor known as, ‘I have a bag.’ Or, ‘He doesn’t have a bag.’ It bothers the f*** out of me.

“Everyone thinks just because you get a favorable matchup that it means it’s one-on-one time. ‘Let’s play ones’ — that’s all you hear the kids talk about now. ‘Wanna play ones?’ ‘Wanna play ones?’ But what the f*** is this? This is not Jordan versus Bird Nintendo. It’s five on five. And yes, if you have an opportunity to have a favorable matchup and you can beat your man, boom. But realize something — most great teams are going to send help, and can you make the right reads? Can you make the right reads? Can you instill confidence in your teammates to when you’ve scored twice on a favorable matchup. You know that the double is coming, and you have to see it either coming from the tilt on the baseline or from the fire from the nail. You have to be ready for that. Like and it takes time for guys — and some guys don’t want to learn and won’t learn because they just want to play ones.”

LeBron has been a pure playmaker from very early on in his profession.

So let’s hope the brand new technology of gamers comply with go well with.

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