
Matt Barnes Calls Out Former Players in the Media

Matt Barnes believes too many former athletes in the media are being overly harsh of at present’s gamers in order to chase clicks.

As a former participant himself, Barnes advocated for a bit of extra stability throughout an look on the Stephen A. Smith Show.

“I feel there are athletes who have been former players that have kind of crossed that line too,” Barnes says. “And I don’t really feel like these guys can name the homies they used to play with anymore and be like, ‘Hey, what’s up,’ or attempt to get the scoop. We all have our inside sources, and to me, I’ve at all times valued that greater than giving a community type of what they need. I really feel like typically the networks need you to go that further mile for views and clicks. And I by no means checked out it that means.

“When I was fortunate enough to work at ESPN — for the three-and-a-half, four-plus years I worked for them — I was always very content in my space because I knew that I could give you an in-depth analysis from a player’s point of view and throw some analytics in there. But I was never willing to go out there and disrespect these guys because I know how hard it is to be in the position. Like, I was a role player for 15 years. I couldn’t imagine what it’s like, but I know much more than a regular pedestrian, what it’s like to be one of these stars.”

Barnes made the level that you would be able to critique a participant with out disrespecting them.

“So, I’ve never — I’ve always understood, not just in basketball, but across the board. I think we’re in an era now where loud disrespect is accepted instead of critiquing athletes, which is what it used to be. So, I don’t know if it’ll ever really go back.”

It was fascinating that Barnes made the feedback to Stephen A. Smith, contemplating the longtime ESPN character has a protracted historical past of flaming gamers courting all the means again to his famous roast of Kwame Brown.

READ MORE: Matt Barnes Admits to Receiving Death Threats After Kobe Incident

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