
Panel: How do you expect Leigh Wood vs Mauricio Lara to unfold tonight?

Wayne Alexander (Former European welterweight champion)

I expect it to be an excellent, hard-fought contest and might see a manner for each to win. You have to give the utmost credit score to Wood for taking a tough defence when it’s not a compulsory.  He has the higher boxing means and is an efficient punch-picker. He can be taller with an extended attain. But I imagine that Lara has a mode fitted to an extended and laborious 12-rounder and will likely be placing Wood underneath numerous strain together with his heavy hitting from the mid rounds to outwork Leigh. I see Lara profitable on factors or by late stoppage – if his eye doesn’t open up prefer it did in opposition to Josh Warrington

Jason Cunningham (Former European super-bantamweight champion)

I see it ending by KO. I believe it’ll be a terrific struggle whereas it lasts. They can each punch and each have loads of coronary heart. Leigh wants to be good as we all know Lara could be very harmful. I’m tipping Wood to do the job however am anticipating a cracker.

Dave Allen (Heavyweight contender)

I believe Lara wins by stoppage. I’ve written Leigh off quite a few instances earlier than and been confirmed improper each time, however I simply assume Lara is about as robust and highly effective as any featherweight on the planet proper now.

Declan Warrington (Journalist)

Leigh Wood’s able to punching with Mauricio Lara – and at some stage he’s certain to, which is partly why this struggle’s so interesting. He’s the extra rounded of the 2 – he’s a greater boxer than Michael Conlan allowed him to look – so he’ll win the rounds they don’t spend buying and selling, however they’ll doubtless commerce repeatedly, and after they do Lara’s simply as able to hurting him. Wood’s the slender favorite however Lara has larger momentum and will make that work for him.

Leigh Wood knocks out Michael Conlan on the Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham on March 12, 2022 (Nigel Roddis/Getty Images)

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