
Primoz Roglic makes a hat-trick in Tirreno-Adriatico

Primoz Roglic received a third straight stage of the Tirreno-Adriatico, consolidating his probability of general victory a day earlier than the Italian stage race ends.

A bit over six months after a crash in a dash in the Vuelta ended his 2022 season, the 33-year-old dominated his rivals in a dash on the cobbled streets of the village of Osimo. Tao Geoghegan Hart was in second place forward of Joao Almeida.

“It was a bit tricky with a lot of guys all around attacking. I managed to take it at the end so I’m super happy about it,” Roglic stated.

Roglic has no margin for error main Almeida by 18sec and Geoghegan Hart by 23sec going into Sunday’s finale on a palm strewn promenade on the Adriatic coast. The ultimate stage of 154 kilometres is basically flat.

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